Mobycon heeft deelgenomen aan meer dan 25 EU-projecten, zowel in onderzoeks- en technische ontwikkelingsprogramma’s als in demonstratieprogramma’s. Onderwerpen variëren van vracht- en passagiersvervoer en van energiebesparing tot ITS. Mobycon initieert vaak projecten, maar wij worden ook vaak gevraagd als partner om deel te nemen aan voorstellen.

Mobycon heeft een uitgebreide ervaring in het beheer van complete projecten, specifieke werkpakketten en activiteiten voor verspreiding/communicatie.

De volgende lijst geeft een indruk van de Europese projecten waar Mobycon bij betrokken is of is geweest.

BITS project
EU programme: Interreg North Sea Region
Status: ongoing
Role: subcontractor

DATEX II project
EU programme: CEF
Status: ongoing
Role: subcontractor

Arc Atlantique: Arc Atlantique ITS corridor (1, 2 and 3)EU programme: CEF
Status: ongoing
Role: subcontractor

URSA MAJOR: URSA MAJOR ITS corridor (1, 2 and neo)
EU programme: CEF
Status: ongoing
Role: subcontractor

EU-EIP: European ITS Platform
EU programme: CEF
Status: ongoing
Role: subcontractor

CODECS:COoperative ITS DEployment Coordination Support
EU programme: Horizon 2020
Status: completed in 2018
Role: subcontractor

CIPTEC: Collective Innovation in Public Transport in European Cities
EU programme: Horizon 2020
Status: completed in 2018
Role: partner

EIP and EIP+: European ITS Platform(+)
EU programme: TEN-T
Status: completed in 2016
Role: subcontractor

PRO-E-BIKE: Promotion of electric (cargo)bikes for the transport of goods, passengers and services.
EU programme: IEE/STEER
Status: completed in 2016
Role: partner

BESTFACT: Inventory and dissemination of best practices in the field of urban freight distribution, green logistics, intermodal transport and e-freight.
EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2016
Role: partner

NAVIKI: Development, testing and demonstration of a navigation system and route planner for bicycles.
EU programme: IEE/STEER
Status: completed in 2014
Role: partner

WEASTFLOWS: Sustainable logistics for Europe on a West-East corridor.
EU programme: Interreg IVb
Status: completed in 2015
Role: partner

STARTER: Mobility management through Local Travel Plan Networks in touristic regions.
EU programme: IEE/STEER
Status: completed in 2015
Role: coordinator

E-FREIGHT: European project aiming at the development, demonstration and evaluation of e-freight services.
EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2014
Role: partner

ECOMOBILITY SHIFT: Development and demonstration of a Total Quality Management system for cities to measure the performance of their urban transportation through the so-called ‘SHIFT Scheme’.
EU programme: IEE/STEER
Status: completed in 2013
Role: partner

SAFECYCLE: Inventory of ICT applications that could help to improve the safety of cyclist.
EU programme: intermediate action
Status: completed in 2012
Role: coordinator

RISING: River Information Services for Transport & Logistics Project on the added value of RIS for the transport and logistics companies.
EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2012
Role: partner

2DECIDE: Toolkit for sustainable decision making in ITS deployment.
EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2011
Role: partner

BE LOGIC: Benchmarking logistics on three levels:

▪    transport chains
▪    terminals
▪    policy

EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2011
Role: partner

SAFERBRAIN: To increase the level of safety of the whole road transport system and its components, focusing the attention on vulnerable road users.
EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2011
Role: partner

TRAVELPLANplus: Stands for ‘Travel Reduction Attainment Via Energy-efficient Localities PLANning’.
EU programme: IEE/STEER
Status: completed in 2011
Role: partner

FREIGHTVISION: A vision and action plan for freight transport in Europe until 2050.
EU programme: FP7
Status: completed in 2010
Role: partner

FREIGHTWISE: To support the modal shift of cargo flows from road to intermodal transport through improved information access and exchange between stakeholders.
EU programme: FP6
Status: completed in 2010
Role: partner

PROMIT: Promoting Innovative Intermodal Freight Transport and modal shift by creating awareness on innovations, best practices and intermodal transport opportunities.
EU programme: FP6
Status: completed in 2009
Role: partner

MarNIS: Maritime Navigation and Information Services.
EU programme: FP6
Status: completed in 2008
Role: partner

BYPAD: Policy Audit Tool for Cycling Policy.
EU programme: IEE/STEER
Status: completed in 2008
Role: partner

RIPCORD-ISEREST: Improving traffic safety on European roads.
EU programme: FP6
Status: completed in 2007
Role: partner

CONNECT: Project on demand responsive transport systems, covering new technologies, new business models and new concepts.
EU programme: FP6
Status: completed in 2005
Role: partner